
日本語   広告の消し方 Setting 説明書

DEX History

Block Index 1,500,814 Date and time 2018-11-21 00:44:56
Tx Index 51,134 Status filled
Tx Hash 847cc808d4b38b05353c3eae6daed210fa76ae816f3e5ecb21f72b79e9d2e439
送付元アドレス MQsfPFLcuNPeiaYf1TfX7rKmK8rm32FcG7 送付先アドレス
Fee 0 XMP
Expiration 15000 Expire Index 1,515,814
Buy Quantity/Remaining 175 / 105 XMP Sell Quantity/Remaining 5 / 3 VOXELOEKAKI.sub_05
  • (of 1)

Image Date and time Asset ID Card name 価格 枚数 販売者 購入者
2018-11-21 17:05:39 VOXELOEKAKI.sub_05


りん姫 (voxel) 35 XMP 2
  • (of 1)