
日本語   広告の消し方 Setting 説明書

DEX History

Block Index 1,233,156 Date and time 2018-02-01 09:26:27
Tx Index 24,471 Status filled
Tx Hash c432b513a4d7095dd9873c0dbd9736be557d411d36b96906d7688565deac1905
送付元アドレス MMMXXEzSvwXmn7DC4jQdiLkAhKxjCsAPEe 送付先アドレス
Fee 0 XMP
Expiration 15000 Expire Index 1,244,086
Buy Quantity/Remaining 5,000 / 2500 XMP Sell Quantity/Remaining 50 / 25 THEDAY.day5
  • (of 1)

Image Date and time Asset ID Card name 価格 枚数 販売者 購入者
2018-02-01 09:26:27 THEDAY.day5


ひまわりモナコインちゃん 100 XMP 1
  • (of 1)