Details of asset

Name 品木ダム擬人化
Asset ID DAMPERSONIFY.001【A5115073220558001816】
Total supply / Locked status 30
Issue date of MONACARD 2022-06-22 08:32:04 【2.0 years ago】
Issue date of ASSET 2022-06-22 08:30:43 【2.0 years ago】【2,696,994ブロック】
Issuer オダコレマサ  MWH4h78FPR45qLSaqoacc9vFApzwhYQMVN 
Tag ダム擬人化  オダコレマサ 
Description   Detail 「I am fighting every day to neutralize this beautiful,uninhabitable lake.I will fight this lake forever for the sake of the people. My body is stainless steel. So it will never rust」
Image info JPG 1260 x 1800 【263.8 KB】
Number of holders / At final confirmation 18 / 【1.1 weeks ago時点】
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